Monday, November 24, 2008


As we know in this era, we live in diffucult situation. Oil is so expensive and the economic situation makes we live
in very hard life.
Because of that, we see criminal become raising too. And people become loose their mind and dont care about humanity and heart, just like animal. Like we see in television everyday, they kill people just for money without no mercy like "ryan case" or another "mutilation case" they lose their heart also their mind. Every week i always see always case of mutilation. they cut their victim become 3 pieces, oh.... that was harrible, just for money?
And another case there is man mariied a kid, a demonstration, "preman", corruption, etc. and indonesia always get a good postion in the world. for example :
- 3rd position in "kepadatan penduduk" in the world
- 5th position in corruption
- 140 position in football
sory, else i dont remember...IS THIS WE CALL END OF THE WORLD?????
so lets change,,,,,,,,,,PEACE

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