As we see nowadays, thre so many problem in this world like global crisis, criminal, etc. Everyday this world become bad, the humanity in nothing.
One of the big problem that we face is a "Terorist" . Terorist is people or organiziation that they think they are right and do anything to get their purpose
Last days there is terorist attack in delhi, India. Make people die about more than 100 innocent people.
That is one of the disaster made by terorist. before that there is more victim like in Pentagon in USA, France, Spain, or in our country in Bali or Jakarta.
Why there is a Terorist? what is they fight for? and for who ?
I think they exist because they have a wrong thinking? They are a religius person but they kill people..is that so stupid?haha.....When i see them in television they laugh like they not wrong and proud become like that.
and it means they dont know what they do and they dont realize that.
They take the innocent human lives just to get their purpose and just to make people angry. so I think they are stupid dumb ashole people...so i just wanna say F%^& to Terorist...
keep PEACE yoo...